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While once considered a novelty item by many tech enthusiasts, Chromebooks have broken out of the “just a browser” mold and become legitimate laptops. They’re full-featured, lightweight machines that can do everything most users need them to do. Best of all, they’re more secure and often more affordable than the competition.

尽管曾经被许多技术爱好者视为新颖产品,但Chromebook摆脱了“只是浏览器”的限制,成为合法的笔记本电脑。 它们是功能齐全的轻型计算机,可以执行大多数用户需要他们执行的所有操作。 最重要的是,它们比竞争对手更安全,通常更实惠。

Because they’ve gained such popularity, there are a ton of Chromebooks to choose from at this point. There’s no shortage of choices, from the meager, bargain store devices to the ultra high-end premium segment. While that’s a good thing, it’s also hard to find the right one for you. So we’ve picked the current cream of the crop at various price points to help you narrow down that search.

由于它们已经获得了如此高的知名度,因此目前有大量的Chromebook可供选择。 从微不足道的廉价商店设备到超高端高端细分市场,不乏选择。 虽然这是一件好事,但也很难为您找到合适的产品。 因此,我们在各种价格点上选择了目前的农作物奶油,以帮助您缩小搜索范围。

Chromebook适合我吗? (Is a Chromebook Right for Me?)

Before we look at some of the best ‘Books on the market today, there’s a big hurdle you need to jump: is a Chromebook even a feasible option for you?


In short: it depends.


You need to take a closer look at how you actually use your computer to make that call. The biggest question, I think, is: do you live in the browser? If Chrome is your most-used app and 95+ percent of what you do on the computer revolves around Chrome, then yeah—a Chromebook will work exceptionally well for you. There are more than likely Chrome-based apps to cover the other five percent of your computing needs, but again, that’s something you’ll need to do a bit of research on.

您需要仔细研究如何实际使用计算机进行该呼叫。 我认为,最大的问题是:您是否生活在浏览器中? 如果Chrome是您最常用的应用,而您在计算机上所做的工作的95%以上都是围绕Chrome进行的,那么是的-Chromebook将非常适合您。 基于Chrome的应用程序很可能满足您其他5%的计算需求,但这又是您需要做一些研究的事情。

The other half is hardware. Think about your peripherals or anything else that you plug into the computer. Most printers and scanners will work flawlessly out of the box with a Chromebook, but you won’t be able to do certain things—like sync your iPhone data to your local hard drive, for example. No iTunes means no local access, which could be a deal breaker for some users.

另一半是硬件。 考虑一下您的外围设备或插入计算机的其他任何设备。 大多数打印机和扫描仪都可以与Chromebook开箱即用,但是您将无法做某些事情,例如将iPhone数据同步到本地硬盘。 没有iTunes意味着没有本地访问权限,这对于某些用户而言可能是一个大问题。

Similarly, and this may go without mentioning (but I’m doing it anyway), you have to keep your expectations in check. You’re not going to do any hardcore video or image editing on a Chromebook. Not only is the hardware simply too limited for this, but there really isn’t much in the way of software right now, either. Don’t get me wrong—minor image tweaks are definitely possible (and even easy) on a Chromebook, but if you do this a lot, then you may want to look elsewhere.

同样,这可能不提(但我还是这样做),您必须控制自己的期望。 您不会在Chromebook上进行任何硬核视频或图像编辑。 为此,不仅硬件太受限制,而且软件的方式实际上也没有太多限制。 不要误会我的意思,小的图像调整是绝对有可能的(甚至容易)在Chromebook,但如果你这样做了很多,那么你可能要到别处。

Basically, if you’re going to be spending anything more than $500 on a laptop, you might be better off looking in the lower-end range of Windows machines—again, you’ll have to keep your expectations in check when it comes to raw power, but they will at least be more versatile.


With that said, Chromebooks have definitely filled another niche in the electronics market that none of us knew we wanted until Google said we could have it. These laptops are a constantly evolving lineup of affordable, rugged productivity machines that can slide out quickly from a briefcase or backpack, boot up from sleep instantly, and have us typing or swiping in seconds.

话虽如此,Chromebook无疑在电子市场上占据了另一个利基市场,直到Google表示我们可以拥有它之前,我们没人知道我们想要的。 这些笔记本电脑是负担得起的,坚固耐用的生产力机器的不断发展的阵容,这些机器可以从公文包或背包中快速滑出,可以从睡眠中立即启动,还可以让我们在几秒钟内输入或滑动。

And in my experience, if a Chromebook is right for you, you’ll absolutely love it.


最佳预算的Chromebook(低于300美元) (The Best Chromebooks on a Budget (Sub-$300))

There are a lot of affordable Chromebooks out there—some as low as $99! That said, you get what you pay for in that sub-$150 price-point, so unless you’re really looking to go budget, I’d recommend staying away from that segment of the market. When it comes to budget Chromebooks, spending a little more goes a long way. Here are the best sub-$300 arena.

市场上有很多负担得起的Chromebook,低至99美元! 就是说,您可以在低于150美元的价格点上得到所需的费用,因此,除非您真的希望获得预算,否则我建议您远离该细分市场。 在预算Chromebook方面,多花一点钱很有意义。 这是低于300美元的最佳竞技场。

ASUS Chromebook Flip C101: $299

华硕Chromebook Flip C101:299美元

When it comes to budget Chromebooks, the might just be the king—rightfully so, as this is the successor to last year’s Flip C100. ASUS has done an excellent job of keeping the cost down where it makes sense—for example, the C101 uses a highly cost-effective Rockchip processor that gets the job done beautifully. Paired with 4GB of RAM, it holds up very well to everyday tasks. ASUS also knows exactly where not to cut corners: build quality. For the price, the C101 has a surprisingly solid aluminum chassis and very robust overall build.

当谈到廉价的Chromebook时,可能只是王者,这是对的,因为这是去年Flip C100的后继产品。 华硕在将成本控制在合理范围内所做的出色工作–例如,C101使用了高性价比的Rockchip处理器,可以很好地完成工作。 搭配4GB的RAM,可以很好地处理日常任务。 华硕还确切地知道不该偷工减料:提高质量。 就价格而言,C101具有令人惊讶的坚固铝制底盘和非常坚固的整体结构。

And it’s also more than just a Chromebook—its 10.1-inch convertible design and ability to run Android apps makes this an excellent tablet replacement as well. Admittedly, it’s slightly bulky when in tablet mode, but if you don’t have a tablet or are looking to replace and aging unit, you can easily kill two bird with one stone by just grabbing a C101.

而且,它不仅限于Chromebook,其10.1英寸可转换设计和运行Android应用程序的能力也使其成为出色的平板电脑替代品。 诚然,在平板电脑模式下,它有点笨重,但是如果您没有平板电脑或打算更换和老化设备,则只需抓住C101即可轻松地用一块石头杀死两只鸟。

The only place where the C101 may fall short for some users is the display size. That 10.1-inch touch panel (at 1280×800 display resolution) might make it hard to use as a full-time laptop—especially for users with less than perfect eyesight.

对于某些用户而言,C101可能不足的唯一地方是显示尺寸。 10.1英寸的触摸面板(显示分辨率为1280×800)可能难以用作全时笔记本电脑,尤其是对于视力不佳的用户。

The ASUS Flip C101 is available . If you’re looking to save a bit of money, you can also opt for , which features a slightly slower Rockchip processor but otherwise very similar components.

华硕Flip C101。 如果您想节省一点钱,您还可以选择,该产品采用稍慢一点的Rockchip处理器,但组件非常相似。

Acer Chromebook R11: $199-299

宏cerChromebook R11:199-299美元


If you’re looking for a convertible Chromebook with a slightly larger screen, look no further than the . This 11.6-inch Chromebook can hit full-on tablet mode (along with full access to the Google Play Store for Android apps), but still readily get your through a day of pounding keys and plugging away at spreadsheets if that’s what you need.

如果您正在寻找屏幕稍大的可转换Chromebook,那么。 这款11.6英寸的Chromebook可以使用完整的平板电脑模式(以及对Android应用程序的Google Play商店的完全访问权限),但是如果您需要的话,仍然可以轻松地完成一天的敲击并插入电子表格。

Its plastic shell doesn’t scream “I’m a premium budget device!” the way the C100/101’s aluminum shell does, but it does pack some slightly more powerful hardware under the hood—the Intel Celeron N3150 processor will go a long way in keeping sluggishness at bay, letting you do more in less time. I don’t know anyone who can’t appreciate that.

它的塑料外壳不会发出“我是一个超值的预算设备!” 就像C100 / 101的铝制外壳一样,但它确实在引擎盖下包装了一些功能更强大的硬件—英特尔赛扬N3150处理器在保持速度缓慢方面将大有帮助,使您可以在更短的时间内完成更多工作。 我不认识任何人,对此不胜感激。

The R11’s 1366×768 touch panel should provide a little less eye strain than the C100’s display, given that it’s not only a slightly lower resolution (on the vertical axis, anyway), but it pairs that with a larger display in the first place.


There are two variants of the R11, depending on your needs: one with 2GB of RAM and one with 4GB of RAM. I’m always going to recommend the latter, especially since it’s only $20 more than the 2GB model. Easily worth the extra coin.

R11有两种变体,具体取决于您的需求:一种带有2GB的RAM,另一种带有4GB的RAM。 我总是会推荐后者,特别是因为它仅比2GB型号贵20美元。 轻松值得额外的硬币。

You can get the Acer Chromebook R11 from .

您可以从获得Acer Chromebook R11。

最佳中档和高级Chromebook(售价超过300美元) (The Best Mid-Range and Premium Chromebooks ($300+))

Budget Chromebooks are great, and they fit very well into most people’s lives—if you don’t have a high need for a laptop, the budget scene is where it’s at. But if you’re looking for more power, larger displays, and an overall nicer machine that can fill the laptop void, the list below cover the Chromebooks that fit the bill.

廉价的Chromebook很棒,并且非常适合大多数人的生活-如果您对笔记本电脑的需求不高,那么预算领域就在眼前。 但是,如果您希望获得更大的功能,更大的显示屏以及更出色的笔记本电脑,可以填补笔记本电脑的空白,那么下面的列表将介绍符合要求的Chromebook。

I decided to combine mid-range and premium Chromebooks into the same category for one primary reason: depending on the selection you make, each of these machines can go either way. For example, there are several different versions of the HP Chromebook 13, ranging in price from $499 to $819. The entry level model is a solid mid-range device, but if step it up to (and above) the $599 model, you’ve got yourself a premium Chrome OS machine.

我决定将中档和高级Chromebook归入同一类别,这是出于一个主要原因:根据您的选择,这些机器中的每一种都可以采用任何一种方式。 例如,有几种不同版本的HP Chromebook 13,价格从499美元到819美元不等。 入门级型号是坚固的中档设备,但是如果将其提高到599美元(或更高)的型号,您将拥有一台高级Chrome OS机器。

Aside from the obvious—larger screens, premium build quality, etc.—the most notable differences you’ll find in this premium line will be what’s under the hood: processors and RAM. While the ARM-based chips found in most cheaper Chromebooks can get the job done for a lot of people, the more advanced processors found in the ‘Books you’ll see below pack a much bigger punch. While many of them are still using ARM chips, these aren’t of the smartphone-in-your-computer variety—these are often designed from the ground up with Chromebooks in mind. That means they’re made to push more power while still staying cool—you know, exactly what you want in a laptop. And of course, the Intel mobile chips used in Chromebooks are the same ones that you’ll find in many current Windows laptops, and the already-impressive performance is going to be further enhanced when you toss one of those into a lightweight Chromebook.

除了明显的问题(更大的屏幕,更高的构建质量等)之外,您在此高端产品系列中发现的最明显的区别是内在的东西:处理器和RAM。 虽然在最便宜的Chromebook中找到的基于ARM的芯片可以为很多人完成工作,但下面“您将在下面看到的书”中找到的更先进的处理器具有更大的优势。 尽管它们中的许多仍在使用ARM芯片,但它们并非属于您的智能手机,而是在设计时就完全考虑了Chromebook。 这意味着它们可以在保持凉爽的同时提供更多动力,这正是笔记本电脑所需要的。 当然,Chromebook中使用的Intel移动芯片与许多当前的Windows笔记本电脑中使用的芯片相同,当您将其中一种扔进轻巧的Chromebook中时,已经令人印象深刻的性能将得到进一步增强。

Further, the RAM issue is still at play here, just like on a more traditional PC. In short, the more RAM you have, the more tasks you can run at the same time. If you’re like me, it’s nothing to have 20+ Chrome tabs open at one time—that can be a lot on just 4GB of RAM, which is why I’d highly recommend looking more towards something with 8GB. But, on the other hand, if you’re a two-to-three tab kind of person, 4GB should be more than enough.

此外,RAM问题仍然在这里发挥作用,就像在更传统的PC上一样。 简而言之,您拥有的RAM越多,您可以同时运行更多的任务。 如果您像我一样,一次没有20个以上的Chrome标签页打开就没什么了-仅4GB的内存就足够了,这就是为什么我强烈建议您将目光转向8GB的东西。 但是,另一方面,如果您是两到三个选项卡的人,那么4GB应该足够了。

Acer Chromebook 15 (2017 Model): $399

Acer Chromebook 15(2017年型号):399美元

If you’re looking for a larger Chromebook that offers an incredible bang for you buck, the Acer Chromebook 15 is absolutely, undoubtedly it.

如果您正在寻找更大的Chromebook,可以给您带来难以置信的实惠,那么Acer Chromebook 15绝对是您想要的。

This newly-redesigned for 2017 Chromebook is one of the hottest ‘Books on the scene, and its premium look and feel make it one of the best purchases you can make right now in this space.


It features an all aluminum build, a large 15.6-inch full HD touch screen, 4GB of RAM, and 32GB of storage. It’s powered by an Intel Pentium N4200 processor, which keeps things surprisingly peppy most of the time.

它具有全铝制外观,15.6英寸大全高清触摸屏,4GB RAM和32GB存储空间。 它由Intel Pentium N4200处理器提供动力,在大多数情况下,它使事情变得令人惊讶。

It also packs a pair of USB-C ports—both of which can be used for charging (!)—along with two USB 3.0 ports and a media reader. Might as well make the best of the bigger chasis, and Acer did just that with the Chromebook 15.

它还带有两个USB-C端口(两个都可用于充电(!))以及两个USB 3.0端口和一个媒体读取器。 也可以充分利用更大的基础,而Acer正是通过Chromebook 15做到了这一点。

While it doesn’t have a convertible design like most of the others on this list, it does offer support for Android apps, which adds even more value to a Chromebook that already offers a lot for the money.


You can buy the Chromebook 15 right now , though you can also catch it on sale for as low as $350. Fantastic deal.

您现在可以购买Chromebook 15,但也可以以低至350美元的价格出售。 很棒的交易。

Acer Chromebook 14 for Work: $480

Acer Chromebook 14 for Work:480美元

If you’re looking for a hard working, do-everything Chrome OS laptop that won’t break the bank, the Acer Chromebook 14 for Work could be your huckleberry…assuming you’re not looking for a convertible laptop to also use as a tablet. It’s also worth noting that the Chromebook 14 for Work is the only Chromebook on this list that doesn’t run Android apps (and probably never will). Those are definitely things to consider.

如果您正在寻找一款不折不扣的,能吃苦耐劳,功能齐全的Chrome操作系统笔记本电脑,那么Acer Chromebook 14 for Work可能就是您的麻烦……假设您不打算在将可转换笔记本电脑也用作笔记本电脑时片剂。 还值得注意的是,Chromebook 14 for Work是该列表中唯一不运行Android应用程序(可能永远不会运行)的Chromebook。 这些绝对是要考虑的事情。

All that said, if you just need Chrome OS and nothing more, the Chromebook 14 for Work is a workhorse. It packs an Intel Core i3 processor and 8GB of RAM—nearly unprecedented specs for a Chromebook, but especially one at this price point. The 14-inch display runs at full 1080p resolution, which should be plenty crisp.

综上所述,如果您只需要Chrome操作系统,仅此而已,那么Chromebook 14 for Work就是其中的主力军。 它配备了Intel Core i3处理器和8GB RAM,这对于Chromebook来说几乎是前所未有的规格,但在这个价位上尤其如此。 14英寸显示屏以全1080p分辨率运行,应该足够清晰。

It’s also a bit more robust than other Chromebooks on this list, as it features Gorilla Glass protection, as well as internal routing that channels liquid away from the components and through two vents on the bottom should something get spilled on it. That’s neat.

它也比此列表中的其他Chromebook更加坚固,因为它具有大猩猩玻璃防护功能,以及内部布线,可以将液体从组件中引出并通过底部的两个通风Kong排出。 那很整齐。

Lastly, it features one USB Type-C port for charging and data transfer, as well as two full-size USB A 3.0 ports. Like I said, if you’re looking for a tried and true Chromebook that will run circles around the majority of the competition, the Chromebook 14 should at least make your shortlist.

最后,它具有一个USB C型端口用于充电和数据传输,以及两个全尺寸USB A 3.0端口。 就像我说过的那样,如果您正在寻找一款经过考验且真实的Chromebook,它将在大多数竞争对手中脱颖而出,则Chromebook 14至少应该入围您的名单。

You can pick it up from for $480.


ASUS Flip C302: $499+

华硕Flip C302:$ 499 +


A CES 2017 newcomer, the Flip C302 is the bigger, more powerful brother the Flip C100/101. This gorgeous machine takes all the great things about the C100/C101—the aluminum build and convertible design—and brings it into a larger, 12.5-inch form factor. There will be two versions that sport Intel Core m3 and m7 processors, respectively.

Flip C302是CES 2017的新成员,是Flip C100 / 101的更大,功能更强大的兄弟。 这款出色的机器采用了C100 / C101的所有优点-铝制结构和可转换设计-并将其带入更大的12.5英寸外形尺寸。 将分别有两个版本支持英特尔酷睿m3和m7处理器。

Unlike some of the other premium options here, ASUS has opted to stick with an FHD (1920×1280) display resolution, which is honestly probably for the best—the fewer pixels, the better performance and battery life you’ll get. While I’m sure QHD panels are nice, I will openly admit that they could be overkill on such relatively small displays. I realize there are a lot of opinions on this subject, however, so I’m just going to stop there.

与此处的其他一些高级选项不同,华硕选择坚持FHD(1920×1280)的显示分辨率,说实话这可能是最好的-像素越少,性能和电池寿命就越长。 虽然我确定QHD面板不错,但我会公开承认在相对较小的显示器上它们可能会过大。 我知道在这个问题上有很多意见,所以我就到此为止。

To offset the comparatively lower display resolution, the C302 does have some other unique features, like an ambient light sensor. Much like your phone, the C302’s display will automatically adjust brightness according to the lighting in the room—an admittedly nice feature to have, I think. It also has a backlit keyboard, which the Samsung units are surprisingly (and disappointingly) lacking.

为了抵消相对较低的显示分辨率,C302确实具有其他一些独特功能,例如环境光传感器。 就像您的手机一样,C302的显示屏将根据房间的灯光自动调节亮度,我认为这是一个不错的功能。 它还具有一个背光键盘,这是三星单位令人惊讶地(令人失望的)缺少的。

Pricing for the Flip C302 will start at $499 for the Core m3 model with just 4GB of RAM, with no word on how much the m7/8GB model will run. For more information on the C302, , or to buy the m3/4GB model from Amazon. Again, we’ll update as more information about the m7/8GB model becomes available.

仅有4GB RAM的Core m3型号Flip C302的起价为499美元,没有透露m7 / 8GB型号将运行多少的信息。 有关C302的详细信息,,或从亚马逊购买立方米/ 4GB机型。 再次,我们将更新有关m7 / 8GB型号的更多信息。

Samsung Chromebook Plus/Pro: $449/$549

三星Chromebook Plus / Pro:$ 449 / $ 549

1_where performance and portability meet_v2_1417

Another set of CES newcomers, this duo is a pair of mean machines. Both the Pro and Plus models feature nearly identical hardware specs, including a 12.3-inch 2400×1600 touch panel, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, and a stylus that strongly resembles Samsung’s famous S Pen.

另一组CES新人,这个二人组是一对卑鄙的机器。 Pro和Plus型号均具有几乎相同的硬件规格,包括12.3英寸2400×1600触摸屏,4GB RAM,32GB存储空间以及与三星著名的S Pen极为相似的手写笔。

Why the stylus? Well, because these two convertible machines are “built for the Google Play Store.” Much like the other convertibles on this list, these are laptops and tablets in one with full access to Android’s Play Store, and at just 2.38 pounds are actually light enough to fit the bill.

为什么是手写笔? 好吧,因为这两台可转换机器是“为Google Play商店打造的”。 与清单上的其他敞篷车非常相似,它们是笔记本电脑和平板电脑,可以完全访问Android的Play商店,而仅2.38磅的重量足以应付账单。

The primary difference between the Pro and Plus models will be the processor: the Plus comes with a Samsung-designed hexa-core ARM processor, while the Pro packs an Intel Core m3 chip. The price of the former will come in at $449, and the latter comes in at a respectable $549.

Pro和Plus型号之间的主要区别在于处理器:Plus带有三星设计的六核ARM处理器,而Pro则装有Intel Core m3芯片。 前者的价格为449美元,后者的价格为549美元。

While both the Pro and Plus models look solid, there are a few things Samsung should get a slap on the wrist for: no 8GB RAM option, limiting both devices to 32GB of storage, and no backlit keyboard. These are premium Chromebooks designed to provide a premium experience, which can be hard to do with limited specs. Still, the processors should help provide a better experience than the smaller, more affordable Chromebooks we looked at above, so there is that.

虽然Pro和Plus型号看起来都不错,但三星还应该为它做好一些准备:没有8GB RAM选项,将这两种设备都限制为32GB的存储空间以及没有背光键盘。 这些优质的Chromebook旨在提供优质的体验,而规格有限则很难做到。 尽管如此,与我们在上面看到的体积更小,价格更便宜的Chromebook相比,处理器应该可以帮助提供更好的体验,因此。

You can buy both devices from Amazon: , .

您可以从Amazon购买以下两种设备: 和 。

最佳超高级Chromebook:Google Pixelbook:999美元至1650美元 (The Best Ultra-Premium Chromebook: Google Pixelbook: $999-$1650)

If you’re looking for a top of the line Chromebook, the Google Pixelbook is undoubtedly the answer. The lowest-end model sports an Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage. The top end model gets a little crazy with a Core i7, 16GB of RAM, and a massive 512GB of storage—arguably more than one would ever really need in a Chromebook.

如果您正在寻找顶级的Chromebook,那么Google Pixelbook无疑是答案。 最低端型号配备Intel Core i5处理器,8GB RAM和128GB存储空间。 高端型号配备了酷睿i7、16GB RAM和512GB巨大存储空间,这有点疯狂,可以说比Chromebook真正需要的存储容量还要多。

But this is Google’s take on what a premium Chromebook should be. The fit and finish are premium from top to bottom, with the Pixelbook sporting an ultra-thin 10.3mm chassis. It’s designed in and out for the convertible form factor, features full access to the Play Store for Android apps, and promises up to 10 hours of battery life. Really, it’s a beast.

但这就是Google对优质Chromebook的看法。 Pixelbook拥有超薄的10.3毫米底盘,因此从顶部到底部的贴合度和表面处理都极为出色。 它针对可转换的外形设计进出设计,可完全访问Android应用程序的Play商店,并承诺长达10小时的电池寿命。 真的,这是野兽。

Not unlike the Samsung Chromebook Pro/Plus, the Pixelbook also has an available pen stylus, called the Pixelbook Pen. This $100 add-on is a bit bigger and more cumbersome than the Pro/Plus stylus, however as it’s more of a full pencil size, and there’s nowhere on/in the laptop to store it. In other words, it just kind of floats around. Its $99 price tag also brings into question how much you’ll actually need that sort of functionality on top of an already-expensive Chromebook, but if you’ve dreamed of writing on your computer’s display, then the option is available for you.

与三星Chromebook Pro / Plus不同,Pixelbook还具有可用的笔式手写笔,称为Pixelbook Pen。 这款100美元的附件比Pro / Plus手写笔更大,更笨重,但是由于它是全尺寸铅笔,因此笔记本电脑中没有地方可以存放它。 换句话说,它只是在漂浮。 其99美元的价格也使人质疑,在已经很昂贵的Chromebook上,您实际上需要多少功能,但是如果您梦dream以求地在计算机的显示器上书写,则可以使用该选项。

If you have a Pixel phone, the Pixelbook will also offer a unique feature that’s unclear if it will come to other Chromebooks: instant tethering. Basically, when combined with a Pixel phone, the Pixelbook will instantly and automatically tether (over Bluetooth) to the phone when away from Wi-Fi, allowing it to use the available data connection to remain always-connected. That is awesome. But like I said, this may or may not come to other phones and Chromebooks—only time will tell.

如果您拥有Pixel手机,Pixelbook还将提供一项尚不清楚的独特功能:是否可用于其他Chromebook:即时网络共享。 基本上,当与Pixel手机结合使用时,Pixelbook在离开Wi-Fi时会立即自动(通过蓝牙)与手机绑定,从而使其能够使用可用的数据连接保持始终连接。 太棒了。 但是就像我说的那样,这可能会或不会出现在其他手机和Chromebook上,只有时间会证明一切。

If you’re all-in on this ultra-premium Chromebook, you can find more information or pre-order it directly from or , starting at $1000. The Pixelbook will also be available in retail chains like Best Buy starting on October 31st if you’re rather go hands-on first.

如果您全神贯注于这款超高级Chromebook,则可以找到更多信息或直接从或预订,价格从$ 1000起。 如果您想动手操作,Pixelbook也将从10月31日开始在百思买等零售连锁店中销售。

If you’ve been holding out for a new laptop and considering a Chromebook as your next machine, there’s never been a better time to make that leap. All the premium features available on these modern Chromebooks make them excellent choices for almost everyone, especially those who want powerful simplicity and an always up-to-date, secure system. For what it’s worth, I’ve chosen the ASUS Flip C302 as my primary laptop (for the time being, anyway; the Pixelbook is awfully tempting)—it has the best balance of features and price to this writer.

如果您一直在寻求新的笔记本电脑,并考虑将Chromebook作为下一台笔记本电脑,那么再没有比这更好的时机了。 这些现代的Chromebook提供的所有高级功能使它们成为几乎每个人的绝佳选择,尤其是那些需要强大的简单性和始终最新,安全的系统的人。 物有所值,我选择了ASUS Flip C302作为我的主要笔记本电脑(无论如何,暂时而言; Pixelbook极具诱惑力)—它对作者而言具有最佳的功能和价格之间的平衡。




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